Beware of Exam Dumps: Safeguard Your BCBA® Journey
June 4, 2023
Let’s address the concept of exam dumps. If you take a look at the code, it talks about examination honesty and irregularities, the rules and procedures for testing centers, our responsibility to report suspected cheaters, unauthorized access, copycats, false information about education and credentials, and it also addresses exam dumps.
What is an exam dump? It’s essentially a website, blog, or an organization that has somehow acquired access to actual exam questions. So how would you know if you happened upon one? Just that; if the claim on that site is that they have access to actual exam content, you know you’re at a dump. Nobody does, nor should they have access to actual exam questions because that would offer an unfair advantage to some people over others. If you spot an ad that touts “actual BACB exam content,” you’re at a dump.
Another clue that it’s probably a dump is if the website or blog offers exams and mock exams in other professions, not even related to ABA or psychology, for that matter. It could be any other profession that offers a license or a certificate, and there again, claiming that they have actual exam questions from the exam. That’s how we know it’s a dump.
So, be careful when searching for prep content, that it doesn’t say “actual BACB® exam questions.” That would be a dump. It’s also important that you avoid exam dumps for your own sake. If it is suspected or actually proven/discovered that you’ve done it, eligibility is withdrawn, even if you’ve passed the exam. So not only do you need to know your personal liability, but you need to know this for the exam. This is a section that you could be tested on. Make sure you’re familiar with the Code.