Dana Do’s

Dana Do’s: Compare and Contrast MOs and SDs

How are MOs the same, but different? PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains.

MOs and SDs do share some similarities, but there are some key differences to note. PTB co-founder Dana Meller breaks it all down to help you discriminate between MOs, SDs, and how they work together.

Refer to 5th Edition Task List Sections B-10: Define and provide examples of stimulus control, and B-12: Define and provide examples of motivating operations.

Dana Do’s: Why BCBA® Exam Retakers Should Ignore the Score Report

PTB’s retaker philosophy has not changed since we first began BCBA® test prep, 12 years ago. In fact, the philosophy has only been reinforced over the years as retaker pass rates continue to drop. If you’re retaking the exam, you need to hear this advise from PTB co-founder Dana Meller.

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