Exam Prep Workshop
- What happens when I register late for a Workshop?
- Are the audio and video of the PTB Streaming Lecture series that is included in the PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop organized by chapters?
- Do videos included in the PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop have closed captions?
- Do the weekly video replays of live classes have closed captions?
- Can I purchase an extension to access my PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop materials after my course access expires?
- When can I buy a Workshop extension?
- How do I purchase an extension before my Workshop access ends?
- How do I purchase an extension after my Workshop access ends?
- Can I buy an extension if I took the PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop recently, but my access ended over 4 weeks ago?
- Can I move my registration from a current Workshop to a future Workshop?
Still have questions? Email [email protected]