Pass Rate


We sampled 500 Random Pass the Big ABA Exam students who participated in our Workshop.

Using a random number generator (, we were able to generate a random sample of 500 students from the total number of people who participated in a PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop.

For each of the random 500 students, we searched for their passing status using the Certificant Registry on the BACB® website.

Students not found on the Certificant Registry as passing were sent survey emails via Survey Monkey to ascertain pass/fail status and first-time test taker or re-taker status. This helped us account for name changes or name misspellings.

Of those students that responded to our Survey Monkey email, we added their data into our pass rate calculation.  For any non-responses we counted the student as not passing.


Of the randomly selected 500 students, 83% (414) passed the exam after taking the PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop. 254 of these students were first time exam takers. Of those 254 students, 89% (226) passed. 246 of the randomly selected students were exam re-takers. Of those 246, 76% (188) passed.