It’s always best to have the most recent version of the PTB ABA Exam Study Manual. However, if you already have the Manual based on the 5th Edition Task List and are considering whether to get the 6th Edition, you can download the free PTB Crosswalk to the 6th Edition Test Content Outline (BCBA or BCaBA). This guide offers a detailed comparison between the BACB® 5th Edition Task List Sections and the new Test Content Outline Domains.
The Crosswalk displays the similarities between the two editions and outlines what 6th Edition Test Content Outline content is missing from the 5th Edition Task List. The Crosswalk is best for students who want to be acquainted with the differences and are willing to do the legwork to fill in any gaps they may have. If you would like a more comprehensive prep tool, we recommend upgrading to the 6th Edition Manual based on the Test Content Outline as it includes more than 150 pages of essential new content, along with visuals that emphasize key details like hints, exam tips, ethical considerations, acronyms, and more.
You can review the 5th Edition Manual Updates and Corrections page here.