Corrections for the PTB ABA Exam Study Manual (Version 1)

The current version of the PTB ABA Exam Study Manual includes the following updates. If you have any questions please email PTB at [email protected]

Section A

Review Question #4
Correct answer should be: Darwinian Selectionism and Pragmatism 

Section B

p. 33 FORMULAS FOR SETTING INITIAL CRITERION FOR REINFORCEMENTThe formula outcome is reversed. It should be: for increasing behavior the initial criterion should be between 1-4, and for decreasing behavior the initial criterion should be between 4-8
p. 36  PUNISHMENT Revised examples:
Example: You get a speeding ticket and, your speeding decreases in the future 
Behavior must be reduced or eliminated for punishment to be effective
Example: A reprimand, which is generally considered aversive or punishing, can only be considered “punishment” if it decreases the behavior that it follows
p. 39 Negative punishment procedures umbrellaThe umbrella is missing an image for the 3rd Response Cost Method-Existing Cache Response Cost
p. 43  Response blocking vs. extinction  Revision Update to extinction: target behavior occurs but isn’t met with reinforcement
p. 53 Indiscriminable contingenciesThe first bullet- How does this effect your client? Should state: Your client’s behaviors continue at high rates (as they do not know when their next response will produce reinforcement), matching the unpredictable contingencies of the generalization setting
Review Question #17 typoFrom Task List Section B-8, not B-4
Review Question #37 typoShould contain 7 lines for answers 
Review Question #22 answer key typoAnswer should be between 4-7
Review Question #23 answer key typoAnswer should be between 2345-3678

Section C

p. 79  Examples of Time Sampling Measures IOA TypoThe math for interval-by-interval IOA should be: 
7/10 agreements = .7
.7 x 100 = 70% IOA
p. 81  8 PARTS OF A LINE GRAPH  Typo#3. Axis labels should state: in the example above the x-axis is labeled as sessions and the y-axis is labeled as hits per hour 
Review Question #3 answer key typoAnswer should be True
Review Question #5 answer key typoAnswer should be False
Review Question #8 answer key typoAnswer should be False

Section D

p. 110  PROS AND CONS OF REVERSAL DESIGN Revised exampleExample: In an ABAB design, maintenance is shown when the IV is removed and the challenging behavior remains at the treatment level, even without treatment in place
p. 112 PROS AND CONS OF MULTIPLE TREATMENT INTERFERENCE4th bullet should say “Discrimination of IVs may be difficult for the client”, instead of designs
Review Question #40 answer key typoAnswer should be descending trend and stable trend

Section F

p. 130 Interviews tabIncorrect citation. Functional Analysis screening tool should be (Iwata & DeLeon, 1996)
p. 173  CONTROL CONDITION RevisionUse for: a non-test condition against which behavior in test conditions is compared
p. 258  TREATMENT INTEGRITY Procedural fidelity bullet should say: often used as an AKA for treatment integrity instead of procedural fidelity

Section G

p. 197
5 steps of imitation
Striefel is misspelled
p. 219
Spaced Responding DRL
The example should read: An average of 24 off-topic questions per 6-hr. school day = 4 off-topic questions per hr. = 20 min. IRT between each question. Baseline IRT = near or slightly above 20 min. 
p. 221
Interval DRH
The first bullet should say: procedurally like Interval DRL, not Full-Session DRL
p. 233
Fred Keller image
Fred Keller’s image is incorrectly sited. The correct link is:
p. 204
Clarification for the 3rd procedure example. Should be: The instructor says, “coo”, and gives the client a cookie. This makes a cookie the reinforcer for that vocal approximation
p. 243 TRANSCRIPTION updateTranscription can also be defined by copying a written text
Review Question #10 answer key typoShould be F (False) 
Review Question #24 answer key typoShould be: b. PSI and g. DI

Section E

Please note – A full update to Section E has been made for Version 2 of the manual. The newest Section E information is not listed below but is available for purchase here: Version 1 Updates & Corrections
Major Code ChangeThe Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (2016) will be replaced by The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (2022)
p. 125  Professional and Ethical Compliance Code
Disregard everything written about the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (p. 125-145). Instead follow this The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. A complete Section E update with a full review of The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts is available for purchase here: Version 1 Updates & Corrections
Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts
AKA:Code (

BACB® applicants, certificants, and registrants must adhere to the code
Effective January 1, 2022 (replaces The Professional and Ethical Compliance Code, 2014)

Guides the professional activities of behavior analysts 

Provides a way for behavior analysts to evaluate their own behavior and for others to assess if a behavior analyst has violated an ethical obligation

•Code-Enforcement Procedures: address alleged ethical code violations (see later)

Parts of the code: 
a. Introduction: describes scope and application; core principles (foundational concepts to guide our work); application and ethical decision making
b. Glossary: definitions of technical language (see “The Code’s Definition” in this section)
c. Ethics Standards: 6 sections, with 85 items. The complete code is discussed below

©Behavior Analyst Certification Board®. All rights reserved. Reprinted and/or displayed by permission granted in 2020. The most current versions of these documents are available at Contact the BACB® for permission to reprint and/or display this material

For a more comprehensive review of the New Code please refer to our Version 1 Updates and Corrections
General UpdatesSection E is now the last section of the manual

The Ethics Devil examples within Version 1 now reflect The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (2022), which will replace the formerly utilized Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (2016). Please note the title and date change.

All code references reflect the new code. Be sure to check the Crosswalk for Behavior Analyst Ethics Codes on the BACB website. Read below
The BACB® has put together a crosswalk document which indicates where ethics standards from the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts can be found in the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. In the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, ethics standards might appear in the same code section, in a new code section, and/or in the Introduction section rather than among ethics standards. In addition, 5 ethics standards have been added to the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts and 5 have been removed. The ethics standards that have been added are:  2.02 Timeliness
4.05 Maintaining Supervision Documentation 
4.07 Incorporating and Addressing Diversity 
5.01 Protecting Clients, Stakeholders, Supervisees, and Trainees 
5.10 Social Media Channels and Websites 

The crosswalk can be found on the BACB website
Code Take Aways (added section)
Always act in the best interest of the client
Document everything
Rely on all things evidence-based
Continually evaluate and assess programs and people
Be behavioral (duh!)
If you violated a code item, try to fix it yourself!
p. 123-124 of Version 1 P. 145-147 of Version 1No changes
p. 147 Statement on Restraint and Seclusion
Defines and explains the uses of restraint, seclusion, and time-out procedures Informed consent, oversight, and monitoring
Addresses what constitutes the necessity for emergency procedures
p. 124 5 Documents Describe Our Professional (Ethical) Standards updateItem # 1- C—Code: has changed from Ethics code for behavior analysts to The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (Code) (BACB®), 2022
Section E Review
New Section E Review Questions are available in our Version 1 Updates and Corrections downloadable booklet.  Available for purchase here: Version 1 Updates & Corrections
Section E Task List Items updateSection E of the Task List now reflects these sections of the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts
E-1 Responsibility as a professional
E-2 Responsibility in practice
E-3 Responsibility to clients and stakeholders
E-4 Responsibility to supervisees and trainees
E-5 Responsibility in public statements
E-6 Responsibility in research

Section I

p. 266
4th bullet should say unacceptable behavior instead of acceptable behavior

Subject Index

TypoCompound schedules of reinforcement (not assessment)

For a complete Section E update, click here to purchase Version 1 Updates & Corrections.

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