MiniBig A & B

Understanding Mentalism Terminology

Understanding Mentalism Terminology

Test your understanding of philosophical underpinnings with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she discusses the term mentalism and its association with explanations and practices in traditional psychology. Dana breaks down the three terms upon which mentalism is reliant: Hypothetical Construct, Explanatory Fiction, and Circular Reasoning.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section A-5: Describe and define the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Riley, 1968).

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The Pioneer of Methodological Behaviorism

The Pioneer of Methodological Behaviorism

What are the historical origins of Methodological Behaviorism? Learn about observable behavior and John Broadus Watson’s controversial “Little Albert Experiment.”

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section A-4: Distinguish among behaviorism, the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and professional practice guided by the science of behavior analysis.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Temporal Contiguity Explained in Detail

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Temporal Contiguity Explained in Detail

Test your knowledge of concepts and principles with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she discusses the term temporal contiguity, its association with operant and respondent conditioning. Here, Dana breaks down the different relationship factors that contiguity shares with operant and respondent conditioning.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-3: Define and provide examples of respondent and operant conditioning.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Verbal Operants

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Select the Correct Elementary Verbal Operant

PTB co-founder Dana Meller reviews verbal behavior, and explains which of the six elementary verbal operants is controlled by a written verbal Sᴰ, and also shares point-to-point correspondence. Included is a comparison of the different Sᴰ(s) that control(s) each elementary verbal operant.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-14: Define and provide examples of the verbal operants.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Operant Conditioning that Automatically Occurs

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Operant Conditioning that Automatically Occurs

Let’s clarify the concept of automaticity of reinforcement and punishment, and its distinction from automatic reinforcement. With a relatable example, PTB co-founder Dana explains how an individual’s behavior can be influenced without consciously knowing the reasons behind their actions.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-3: Define and provide examples of respondent and operant conditioning.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Name the Conditioned Motivating Operation (CMO) in This Scenario

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Name the Conditioned Motivating Operation (CMO) in This Scenario

Test your knowledge of ABA concepts and principles as PTB co-founder Dana Meller reviews a memorable question about the specific conditioned motivating operation (CMO) described in the scenario, as well as provides additional examples. Included are a description of the CMO pairing process and the resulting behavior and value-altering effects acquired through the pairing process. As a BONUS, Dana shares a tip that will help you on the Big Exam with questions related to CMO.

BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-12: Define and provide examples of motivating operations.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Motivating Operation

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Motivating Operation Example Explained

Test your concepts & principles knowledge with #PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a question about identifying the specific motivating operation described in the scenario. Included is a breakdown of the two components, or effects, that operate underneath the MO umbrella.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-12: Define and provide examples of motivating operations.

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Motivating Operation Example Explained Read More

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