Mock Exam

BCBA® Mock Exam Question: The #1 Threat to Accuracy and Reliability

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: The #1 Threat to Accuracy and Reliability

Test your measurement knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the key indicators of trustworthy measurement, revealing the most significant threat facing accuracy and reliability. Dana provides insight into the distinctions between reliability, validity, and accuracy and how they relate to measurement.

BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.

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Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Parameters for Using Punishment

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Parameters for Using Punishment

Test your knowledge of concepts & principles with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the parameters to consider when using punishment.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections B-6: Define and provide examples of positive and negative punishment contingencies, G-16: Use positive and negative punishment (e.g., time-out, response cost, overcorrection).

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Not All Conditioned Reinforcers Are Created Equal

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Not All Conditioned Reinforcers Are Created Equal

Let’s understand the concept and versatility of Generalized Conditioned Reinforcers (GCSRs) and their crucial role in behavior management.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections B-8: Define and provide examples of unconditioned, conditioned, and generalized reinforcers and punishers and G-3: Establish and use conditioned reinforcers.

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: IOA Battle Royal: Which Formula Gets Knocked Out?

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: It’s the IOA Battle Royal. Which Formula Gets Knocked Out?

Sharpen your measurement skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about IOA and helps explain the different formulas used for time sampling measurements. Dana covers four IOA formulas: Interval-by-Interval, Scored Interval, Trial-by-Tial, and Unscored Interval; and highlights key considerations and pitfalls associated with each.

BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Identify the Intervention's Reinforcement Schedule

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Identify the Intervention’s Reinforcement Schedule

Test your behavior-change procedures skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she breaks down a BCBA® mock exam question about the differences between contingent and non-contingent schedules, focusing on an antecedent-based, response-independent schedule of reinforcement.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections G-2: Use interventions based on motivating operations and discriminative stimuli and G-14: Use reinforcement procedures to weaken behavior (e.g., DRA, FCT, DRO, DRL, NCR).

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Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Identify the Compound Schedule of Reinforcement

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Identify the Compound Schedule of Reinforcement

Test your concepts and principles skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller, as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the compound schedule of reinforcement in the context of voting. Here, Dana details the key features of the mixed, concurrent, conjunctive, and tandem schedules of reinforcement, as well as provides corresponding examples.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement.

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Contingency Contracting Components

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Contingency Contracting Components

Let’s break down a BCBA® mock exam question about contingency contracts and their importance in behavior management. PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains the three essential elements of a contingency contract and how they can be effectively implemented to achieve behavior change.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section G-19: Use contingency contracting.

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Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question About Compound Schedules of Reinforcement

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Compound Schedules of Reinforcement

Test your Behavior-Change Procedures skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the chained schedule, compound schedule of reinforcement. Included is a description of the alternative schedule, concurrent schedule, and conjunctive schedule.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement.

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Basic Schedules of Intermittent Reinforcement

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Basic Schedules of Intermittent Reinforcement

Enhance your understanding of ABA concepts and principles with PTB co-founder Dana Meller’s explanation of a BCBA® mock exam question based on basic schedules of intermittent reinforcement, including fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, and variable ratio schedules. Explore the unique patterns of responding associated with each schedule, and learn more about the schedule that produces a postreinforcement pause.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement.

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Break Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Use the Dimensions of ABA to Identify, "What Makes Us Behavioral?"

Break Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Use the Dimensions of ABA to Identify, “What Makes Us Behavioral?”

Test your Philosophical Underpinnings knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question that breaks down the dimensions of ABA, identifying the specific dimension that describes the defining features of a behavior analyst. Included is a description of each of the answer options, determinism, empiricism, applied, and behavioral.

Refer to the BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section A-5: Describe and define the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968).

Break Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Use the Dimensions of ABA to Identify, “What Makes Us Behavioral?” Read More

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