A dimension of ABA, which explains that a functional relationship is demonstrated when manipulated events (independent variables) produce a reliable change in any measurable dimension of the targeted behavior (dependent… Read more
A dimension of ABA, which explains that ABA treatment must aim to improve socially significant behaviors in real-world settings.
A science based on the use of learning principles to improve socially important behavior. ABA practice focuses on assessing the environmental influences on behavior, implementing assessment-based interventions, and making data-based
BACB®’s definition of applied behavior analysis (ABA) Read More
A dimension of ABA, which explains that ABA treatment must target measurable and observable behavior.
A branch of behavior analysis that examines the philosophical, theoretical, historical, and methodological issues within the science of behavior.
A mentalistic process in which the cause and effect of behavior are both inferred from the same information.
A dimension of ABA, which explains that ABA procedures must be derived from the basic principles of behavior analysis.
The third and highest level of scientific understanding. Established through experimentation confirming that manipulating one event (the independent variable) results in a reliable change in another event (the dependent variable),
PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares an easy way to break down the 7 dimensions of ABA by using the dimensions to define what it means to be a behavior analyst, which in turn, makes it much easier to discriminate between each dimension.
BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section A-5: Describe and define the dimensions of applied behavior analysis (Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968).
Dana Do’s: How to Easily Break Down the 7 Dimensions of ABA Read More
If you too are confused about radical behaviorism, then this is for you. PTB founder Dana Meller explains behaviorism, with a twist.
Dana Do’s: Radical Behaviorism’s Origin Story Read More
Skinner had a radical idea about private events and behaviorism. But it’s not as “out there” as you might think. Not making the connection? PTB co-founder Dana Meller breaks down how– and why– private events are consistent with behaviorism.
Dana Do’s: Skinner’s Radical Idea About Private Events and Behaviorism Read More
PTB co-founder Dana Meller takes on the first portion of the Task List with a quick lesson about section A-1. The secret sauce for understanding the goal of behavior analysis? It all comes down to description, prediction, and control.
Dana Do’s: The Scientific Goals of Behavior Analysis Read More