The degree to which what was measured (observed value) is representative of what actually occurred (true value); in other words, the data was measured correctly.
The degree to which what was measured (observed value) is representative of what actually occurred (true value); in other words, the data was measured correctly.
A chart that displays data using rectangular bars or columns that represent unrelated discrete sets of data with a common dimension.
A measure of the change (i.e., increase or decrease) in the rate of a behavior over a period of time. Answers the question: How did the rate of behavior change
Vertical lines, drawn upward from the x-axis to the top of the graph, that separate the points in time of different independent variable conditions or important changes within a treatment
Condition change lines Read More
A measurement procedure in which every instance of a target behavior is recorded during a specific period of time.
An analysis of the potential costs and benefits of implementing a behavioral technology (e.g., an assessment, or intervention).
A measurement that directly summarizes the number of occurrences of a given response/behavior. Answers the question: How many times did the behavior occur, or how many of something were produced?
A continuous graph to which new data are added, visually displaying the cumulative total of the behavior over time. Hint: Think of this as a visual display of a collection,
PTB founder Dana Meller helps connect each of the validities to the validity of this explanation.
Dana Do’s: All the Validities in ABA, Explained Read More
PTB founder Dana Meller answers a follower request for an explanation around a mock question posted on social about the impact of an incomplete operational definition on trustworthy measurement.
Dana Do’s: Breaking Down a BCBA®/BCaBA® Mock Exam Question About Operational Definitions Read More
It’s particularly meaningful to be able to tell validity, social validity, internal and external validity apart. PTB co-founder Dana Meller has some tips to do just that.
Dana Do’s: How to Decipher the Many Forms of Validity Read More
PTB co-founder goes into the three factors that define trustworthy measurement– “validity”, “reliability” and “accuracy”. But what’s the difference between each? Dana explains.
Dana Do’s: How to Define the Markers of Trustworthy Measurement Read More