
BxLog is PTB’s exam prep blog, edited and curated by veteran ABA professionals with a mission to provide candidates helpful tools and guidance along their BCBA® exam prep journey. Explore short videos and articles containing valuable information including explanations of Test Content Outline concepts and ABA terminology, study tips, mock exam questions with answer breakdowns, and lifestyle advice to maintain a healthy exam prep regimen.

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Identify the Compound Schedule of Reinforcement

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Identify the Compound Schedule of Reinforcement

Test your concepts and principles skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller, as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the compound schedule of reinforcement in the context of voting. Here, Dana details the key features of the mixed, concurrent, conjunctive, and tandem schedules of reinforcement, as well as provides corresponding examples.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement.

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Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Parameters for Using Punishment

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Parameters for Using Punishment

Test your knowledge of concepts & principles with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the parameters to consider when using punishment.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections B-6: Define and provide examples of positive and negative punishment contingencies, G-16: Use positive and negative punishment (e.g., time-out, response cost, overcorrection).

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Test your ABA Terminology: Pivotal Behavior vs. Behavior Cusp

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Pivotal Behavior vs. Behavior Cusp

Test your behavior assessment knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she compares and contrasts pivotal behavior vs. behavior cusp, providing several corresponding examples of each, as they relate to identifying the target behaviors that need prioritization for treatment.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section F-3: Identify and prioritize socially significant behavior-change goals.

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Test your ABA Terminology:Types of Unwanted Treatment Side Effects Explained

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Types of Unwanted Treatment Side Effects Explained

Test your knowledge of planning interventions with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she explained the types of unwanted treatment side effects. Also included is a description of the two types of contrast effects, positive behavioral contrast and negative behavioral contrast, as well as corresponding examples.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section H-5: Plan for possible unwanted effects when using reinforcement, extinction, and punishment procedures.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Interpret Descriptive Assessment Data

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Interpret Descriptive Assessment Data

Test your knowledge of interpreting descriptive assessment ABC data with PTB co-founder Dana Meller. Here she discusses conditional probability, including the rules that apply, and provides a step-by-step example using the calculation formula and how to report these data.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections F-7: Conduct a descriptive assessment of problem behavior; F-9: Interpret functional assessment data.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Matching Law vs. Behavioral Contrast

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Matching Law vs. Behavioral Contrast

Put your ABA terminology knowledge to the test with #PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she compares two commonly confused terms: Matching Law vs. Behavioral Contrast, and discusses corresponding examples of each.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement, and H-5: Plan for possible unwanted effects when using reinforcement, extinction, and punishment procedures.

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Test your ABA Terminology: Temporal Contiguity Explained in Detail

Test your ABA Terminology ➠ Temporal Contiguity Explained in Detail

Test your knowledge of concepts and principles with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she discusses the term temporal contiguity, its association with operant and respondent conditioning. Here, Dana breaks down the different relationship factors that contiguity shares with operant and respondent conditioning.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-3: Define and provide examples of respondent and operant conditioning.

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Explore the Reinforcement Procedure Most Similar to Precision Teaching

Explore the Reinforcement Procedure Most Similar to Precision Teaching

Test your understanding of behavior-change procedures and ABA educational methodologies with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews the specific differential reinforcement procedure most closely connected to Precision Teaching. Here, Dana provides a concise overview of the individualized instructional method, its focus on fluency-building, and some key aspects of the methodology.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections B-5: Define and provide examples of schedules of reinforcement; G-9: Use discrete-trial, free-operant, and naturalistic teaching arrangements, and G-14: Use reinforcement procedures to weaken behavior (e.g., DRA, FCT, DRO, DRL, NCR).

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Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question About Prompt Dependence

Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Prompt Dependence

Test your Behavior-Change Procedures skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she breaks down a BCBA® mock exam question about how prompt dependence is defined, and a scenario that identifies prompt dependence.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section G-4: Use stimulus and response prompts and fading (e.g., errorless, most-to-least, least-to-most, prompt delay, stimulus fading).

Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Prompt Dependence Read More

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