Explore a collection of free resources developed and curated by PTB to help candidates prep to Pass the Big ABA Exam.
BxLog is PTB’s exam prep blog, curated and edited by veteran ABA professionals with a mission to provide candidates helpful tools and guidance along their BCBA®/BCaBA® exam prep journey. Explore short videos and articles containing valuable information including explanations of Test Content Outline concepts and ABA terminology, study tips, mock exam questions with answer breakdowns, and lifestyle advice to maintain a healthy exam prep regimen. EXPLORE NOWSearch from 528 essential ABA terms, organized by Test Content Outline Domain. An ideal resource if you are creating your own flashcards or simply looking for a predetermined list of key terms you need to know as you prep for the exam. SEARCH ABA TERMS NOWManage your test-taking behavior with the PTB Self Monitor form. A tool to gather evidence-based data to determine if your mistakes are knowledge or behavior based. Use it with any PTB Mock Exam, or any other practice exams, to analyze your behavior during the prep journey. DOWNLOAD NOWDispelling myths and offering sage advice for breaking down exam questions, watch-outs and more, PTB’s Study Tips highlight the do’s and don’ts of exam prep cultivated from years of experience supporting candidates on their journey to certification. EXPLORE STUDY TIPSCreate a study plan starting 6 months out from exam day with helpful advice, tips, and crucial reminders. DOWNLOAD NOW
Reduce anxiety and increase retention with the PTB IOA Mini Quiz, featuring a new interactive format that simulates the test experience. Thirty fill-in-the-blank questions cover all 9 IOA formulas. Optional hints included with each quiz question assist you with the correct formula along the way. Check your work and collect data on your performance with the detailed score report. TAKE THE QUIZExplore a selection of texts that PTB considers essential reading, and a valuable resource for exam prep. BROWSE NOWNavigate the transition between the 5th Edition Task List and the 6th Edition Test Content Outline with the PTB Crosswalk, available for the BCBA® and the BCaBA.® DOWNLOAD NOWAlongside coursework and essential texts, PTB has compiled several texts that are helpful explainers for various concepts and TCO Domains. READ NOW