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Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Understanding Equal-Interval Graphs & Logarithmic Scales

Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Understanding Equal-Interval Graphs & Logarithmic Scales

Test your knowledge of ABA graphs with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about equal-interval graphs, exploring their unique properties. Included, Dana explains the concept of proportional values and highlights the graph(s) which operate on a logarithmic scale, offering a different perspective on changes in behavior.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections C-10: Graph data to communicate relevant quantitative relations (e.g., equal-interval graphs, bar graphs, cumulative records); C-11: Interpret graphed data.

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Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Reversal Design Variations With Only ONE Reversal

Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Reversal Design Variations With Only One Reversal

Test your Experimental Design skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews and breaks down a mock exam question about reversal design variations that display only one reversal. Included is a description of A-B-A, B-A-B, and A-B-A-B reversal designs.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-5: Use single-subject experimental designs (e.g., reversal, multiple baseline, multielement, changing criterion).

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Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Identify a 3-Phase Reversal Experimental Design

Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Identify a 3-Phase Reversal Experimental Design

Test your Experimental Design skills with a breakdown of a BCBA® mock exam question about the identification of a three-phase experimental design. Included is a detailed comparison between four different reversal designs: ABC reversal, ABA reversal, BAB reversal, and ABAB reversal. As a bonus, Dana also provides examples of instances in which each of the reversal designs would be implemented.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-5: Use single-subject experimental designs (e.g., reversal, multiple baseline, multielement, changing criterion).

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to Losing

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to Losing

Let’s review and break down a BCBA® mock exam question about measurement techniques in ABA, specifically percentage of opportunity. PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains how to calculate the percentage of opportunities where the behavior is exhibited and why this method is superior to rate, count, and interval recording in certain situations.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-3: Measure occurrence (e.g., count, frequency, rate, percentage).

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: The #1 Threat to Accuracy and Reliability

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: The #1 Threat to Accuracy and Reliability

Test your measurement knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the key indicators of trustworthy measurement, revealing the most significant threat facing accuracy and reliability. Dana provides insight into the distinctions between reliability, validity, and accuracy and how they relate to measurement.

BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.

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BCBA® Mock Exam Question: IOA Battle Royal: Which Formula Gets Knocked Out?

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: It’s the IOA Battle Royal. Which Formula Gets Knocked Out?

Sharpen your measurement skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about IOA and helps explain the different formulas used for time sampling measurements. Dana covers four IOA formulas: Interval-by-Interval, Scored Interval, Trial-by-Tial, and Unscored Interval; and highlights key considerations and pitfalls associated with each.

BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.

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Mock BCBA® Exam Question Breakdown: Interobserver Agreement (IOA) Facts & Rules to Live By

Break Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Interobserver Agreement (IOA) Facts & Rules to Live By

Test your Measurement, Data Display, and Interpretation skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about several #interobserveragreement (IOA) facts, with rules to live by. Here, Dana highlights a variety of important IOA benefits, as well as IOA percentage of agreement criteria details and the different reporting options.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.

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