Functional communication training (FCT)
A differential reinforcement procedure that trains an alternative communication response to replace a functionally-equivalent challenging behavior.
A differential reinforcement procedure that trains an alternative communication response to replace a functionally-equivalent challenging behavior.
When changes in the dependent variable are predictably related to the independent variable, demonstrating a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the dependent and independent variable.
A group of stimuli that share a common effect (i.e., function) on a behavior.
Specific adaptive behaviors that meet the same need (function) and contact the same reinforcement as the challenging behaviors they are intended to replace.
The four main sources of reinforcement for any wanted or unwanted behavior.
Functions of behavior Read More
A method to program for generalization during instruction that involves teaching the client all the different stimulus variations of a particular SD and the subsequent response variations for those stimuli.
A dimension of ABA, which explains that any behavior change should persist across time, settings, behaviors, and people that differ from the original intervention conditions.
When a behavior occurs in conditions that differ from the original teaching conditions (e.g., across other settings, behaviors, stimuli, and people).
A type of conditioned punisher that has been paired with many unconditioned and conditioned punishers. Hint: The thing about a frown is that it’s been paired with a lot of
A type of conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with many unconditioned and conditioned reinforcers.