Risk-benefit analysis
A deliberate evaluation of the potential risks (e.g., limitations, side effects, cost) and benefits (e.g., treatment outcomes, efficiency, savings) associated with a given intervention.
A deliberate evaluation of the potential risks (e.g., limitations, side effects, cost) and benefits (e.g., treatment outcomes, efficiency, savings) associated with a given intervention.
A verbal description of a behavioral contingency in which behavior comes under the control of consequences that are too delayed to influence behavior directly.
Specific marks on, or breaks in, the x-axis (i.e., horizontal axis) indicating the time periods during which data were not collected.
A chart and measurement system that displays patterns related to behavior and specific time and setting variables.
A direct and descriptive measurement and assessment method that uses interval data to display behavior patterns during specific periods and used to assess the times and/or activities during which challenging
Scatterplot recording Read More
An organized approach for collecting knowledge to inform our understanding of the natural world.
A type of time-out procedure in which the client is placed in a time-out room for a time period and locked in.
A philosophical assumption underlying the science of behavior analysis that anything that evolves does so because of the consequences of behavior, meaning that behaviors that result in positive consequences survive
A self-management procedure in which one organizes specific consequences to be delivered following the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one’s own behavior to be delivered by others or by oneself.
Self-administered consequences Read More
A self-management procedure used to reduce anxieties and phobias that involves substituting muscle relaxation for challenging behaviors. Anxiety or fear-provoking events are ranked on an intensity scale and gradually exposed
Self-directed systematic desensitization Read More