Antecedent intervention
Interventions that are implemented prior to and are not contingent on behavior.
Interventions that are implemented prior to and are not contingent on behavior.
A variety of procedures used in self-management that manipulate antecedents to increase or decrease one’s own target behaviors.
Antecedent-based self-management procedures Read More
Specific preferred items or activities that can be exchanged for the earned tokens delivered in a token economy system.
A chaining method in which an instructor initially completes the chain in its naturally occurring order, and then the individual is taught one step at a time, starting from the
A variation of the backward chain in which any step in the task analysis that is already in the individual’s repertoire is not formally trained.
Backward chaining with leap aheads Read More
A specific sequence of discrete responses/behaviors that, when linked together, form a terminal behavior. Each discrete response/behavior is associated with a particular stimulus condition (SD), and each response and the
Any behavior chain with the requirement of not only being performed correctly and in order, but also within a specified period of time.
Behavior chain with a limited hold Read More
A method to program for generalization and maintenance during instruction that involves bringing a target behavior under the control of natural reinforcers by exposing the behavior to those reinforcers.
A procedure in discrete-trial teaching during which different learning trials (SDs) are presented in blocks, which are gradually reduced in size contingent upon correct responding until the stimuli are presented
A type of response cost procedure in which additional non-contingent reinforcers are made available and are removed if the challenging behavior occurs.
A specific collection of methods that are used to connect a specific sequence of stimuli and responses to form new behaviors.
The full set of behavioral procedures designed to improve the client’s wellbeing.
Code’s definition of behavior-change intervention Read More