Block trial
A procedure in discrete-trial teaching during which different learning trials (SDs) are presented in blocks, which are gradually reduced in size contingent upon correct responding until the stimuli are presented… Read more
A procedure in discrete-trial teaching during which different learning trials (SDs) are presented in blocks, which are gradually reduced in size contingent upon correct responding until the stimuli are presented… Read more
Not too sure about discriminating between the different teaching arrangements? Not to worry. PTB founder Dana Meller is here to explain trial-based vs free operant procedures.
A structured, table-top, 5-component ABA procedure during which specific skills are broken down into small teachable units and taught to a pre-determined mastery criteria.
A procedure in discrete-trial teaching during which mastered targets are presented as distractors alongside currently targeted SDs.
A response class that is free to occur and can occur at any time because it is not bound by the control of SDs or prompts.
A teaching methodology in which the SD is part of the natural environment, and responding doesn’t depend on a directive, prompt, or SD presented by a trainer. Appropriate behaviors are
A free-operant teaching methodology that takes place in a free-time setting, during which the child’s natural initiations are treated as learning opportunities to expand on the child’s current skill set.
In discrete-trial teaching, this is the period (approximately 5 seconds) that comes between the consequence and the next SD, indicating the end of one trial and the forthcoming trial.
A procedure in discrete-trial teaching during which the same learning trial (SD) for an acquisition skill is presented several times in a row.
A teaching methodology that involves embedding learning opportunities into ongoing, every day activities by capitalizing on the EOs in natural contexts and choice-making, focusing on client interest and initiations.
A free-operant teaching methodology that capitalizes on naturally occurring MOs and environmental variables with a specific focus on building skills that produce collateral improvements in other skill areas.
A procedure in discrete-trial teaching during which random mastered targets are presented in a randomized order.