Response prompts
A temporary antecedent stimulus in the form of verbal instruction, a model, or physical support that is delivered close in time with the relevant SD to help the client engage… Read more
A temporary antecedent stimulus in the form of verbal instruction, a model, or physical support that is delivered close in time with the relevant SD to help the client engage… Read more
The belief that any behavior can act as a reinforcer if access to that behavior is restricted. In practice, this occurs when deprivation of a certain activity, achieved by making it
The belief that a low-probability behavior can act as a reinforcer to evoke a higher-probability behavior if access to the less-preferred behavior is restricted below baseline levels.
A positive punishment overcorrection procedure where, following the occurrence of a challenging behavior, the client is required to repair the damage caused by their behavior,and engage in additional behavior to
A type of time-out procedure in which the client is placed in a time-out room for a time period and locked in.
A self-management procedure in which one organizes specific consequences to be delivered following the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one’s own behavior to be delivered by others or by oneself.
Self-administered consequences Read More
A self-management procedure used to reduce anxieties and phobias that involves substituting muscle relaxation for challenging behaviors. Anxiety or fear-provoking events are ranked on an intensity scale and gradually exposed
Self-directed systematic desensitization Read More
In self-management procedures, this is the process of assessing one’s own progress by comparing self-monitoring data to a pre-determined criterion.
A self-management procedure that involves providing oneself with verbal instructions (covert or overt) to prompt one’s own desired behaviors.
Behavior analytic procedures that target one’s own behavior by defining the desired target response (controlled response), programming behaviors to help evoke that desired target response (controlling response), and arranging reinforcers
A method to program for generalization that involves teaching the client self-management behaviors that will enable them to prompt and reinforce their own target behavior.
Self-management (in programming for generalization) Read More
In self-management procedures, this is the process of systematically recording data on one’s own behavior.