G. Behavior-Change Procedures

Graduated guidance

A type of response prompt that offers the minimal amount of physical prompting needed to occasion a correct response by having a trainer in a position to prompt immediately (if

Graduated guidance Read More

5th Edition Task List

G-4 Use stimulus and response prompts and fading (e.g., errorless, most-to-least, least-to-most, prompt delay, stimulus fading).

6th Edition TCO

G.8 Design and implement procedures to fade stimulus and response prompts (e.g., prompt delay, stimulus fading).

High-probability instructional sequence

An antecedent intervention used for increasing compliance and reducing escape-maintained behaviors. It involves presenting two-to-five high-probability compliance tasks, reinforcing compliance for those tasks, and then presenting a demand less likely

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5th Edition Task List

G-2  Use interventions based on motivating operations and discriminative stimuli.

6th Edition TCO

G.1 Design and evaluate positive and negative reinforcement procedures.

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