Forward chaining
A chaining method that involves teaching the behavior chain one step at a time, in its naturally occurring order, starting with the first step. The process involves moving on to… Read more
A chaining method that involves teaching the behavior chain one step at a time, in its naturally occurring order, starting with the first step. The process involves moving on to… Read more
A response class that is free to occur and can occur at any time because it is not bound by the control of SDs or prompts.
A teaching methodology in which the SD is part of the natural environment, and responding doesn’t depend on a directive, prompt, or SD presented by a trainer. Appropriate behaviors are
A differential reinforcement procedure that trains an alternative communication response to replace a functionally-equivalent challenging behavior.
A method to program for generalization during instruction that involves teaching the client all the different stimulus variations of a particular SD and the subsequent response variations for those stimuli.
A type of response prompt that offers the minimal amount of physical prompting needed to occasion a correct response by having a trainer in a position to prompt immediately (if
Procedures in which a pre-determined criterion for responding is established for one, some, or all of the members within a group in order for some or all of the group
A self-management procedure that involves identifying events that precede one’s own challenging behavior and engaging in alternative behaviors when those precursor events occur.
An antecedent intervention used for increasing compliance and reducing escape-maintained behaviors. It involves presenting two-to-five high-probability compliance tasks, reinforcing compliance for those tasks, and then presenting a demand less likely
A matching-to-sample procedure where clients are taught to match sample and comparison stimuli that are physically identical.
A free-operant teaching methodology that takes place in a free-time setting, during which the child’s natural initiations are treated as learning opportunities to expand on the child’s current skill set.
A procedure in which a pre-determined criterion for responding is established for all members of a group, and for an individual to contact reinforcement, that individual must meet the specific
Independent group contingencies Read More