Task List Reference: C-3

 Measure occurrence (e.g., frequency, rate, percentage).


A derived measure of behavior that involves calculating the number of occurrences of a given response within a given period of time (e.g., number of mands per hour). Answers the… Read more

Rate Read More


A derived measure of behavior that depicts the proportional quantity of the number of times the behavior occurred out of the total number of opportunities for that behavior to occur

Percentage Read More


The result of measuring a quantifiable aspect of behavior, used to assess and evaluate behavior and behavior analysis-based services.

Data Read More


A measurement that directly summarizes the number of occurrences of a given response/behavior. Answers the question: How many times did the behavior occur, or how many of something were produced?

Count Read More


A measure of the change (i.e., increase or decrease) in the rate of a behavior over a period of time. Answers the question: How did the rate of behavior change

Celeration Read More

BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to Losing

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to Losing

Let’s review and break down a BCBA® mock exam question about measurement techniques in ABA, specifically percentage of opportunity. PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains how to calculate the percentage of opportunities where the behavior is exhibited and why this method is superior to rate, count, and interval recording in certain situations.

Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-3: Measure occurrence (e.g., count, frequency, rate, percentage).

Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to Losing Read More

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