Dana Do’s: Attention Multiple BCBA® Retakers (You are Going to Want to Hear This)

If you’re retaking the exam beyond a second time, you may want to consider diving back into the source material– the textbooks and the articles. Relying on shortcuts may keep you on the “not passing the exam” hamster wheel for many more attempts. I spend a lot of time thinking about ways to get you off that wheel and pass the exam. It is weird that retaking the exam does not improve your odds. Presumably, if you have a lot of access to the exam, shouldn’t you be so familiar with it that you have a better chance of passing? Well, the data shows otherwise.

The data shows that taking the exam and not passing actually lowers your chances by approximately 50%. Those are terrible odds . But we have to trust that data because we’re scientists. If you are currently on that retake hamster wheel, have no fear, I have a thought.

I have often said that, as a retaker, you can increase your odds by studying everything as if you are a first timer. But for those of you who are still not passing and taking that advice, it might be more about what you’re studying. If we think about passing or failing as feedback about fluency, it’s fair to say that multiple failures implies a problem with fluency. So try this: go back to the foundational material. Most likely you do not yet have solid foundational knowledge. You are relying on shortcuts and reviews, lots of mock exams, and maybe only targeting a superficial understanding. It is going to take a deeper dive to pass the exam, especially with those retaker odds.

The good news is, it’s absolutely possible. I have heard success stories. I hear them every day and to get there, you must pull out the textbooks and the articles. Really learn, not review. Prep programs are great and PTB is here to help you review and organize. But, if you don’t know it, then what are you reviewing? Get the Cooper book, get the Task List and start learning.

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