Dana Do’s: What Would Cooper Do?

I want to reframe one bit of advice, because I had a revelation. You may have heard me say, “put your board hat on”. This is something we say at PTB to inspire students to answer exam questions more broadly. Instead of thinking of how your agency or your school does a something, think more in terms of the Task List item that the board is testing you on.

But now, I think I found a better way to inspire this frame of thought. An applied exam is likely to ask questions from, “what would you do” or “what should you do” or “not do” lens. There are so many possible answers to these questions. All of our clinical experiences would result in some major variation in how we answer these types of questions. The exam absolutely cannot test us on our unique perspectives. It’s black and white. Perhaps that’s why some people struggle.

So I want to introduce a new phrase to communicate how I think you should answer applied exam questions. If and when you feel compelled to reference your specific work experience, consider instead, asking yourself “what would Cooper do?”. The answer may be different than how you do it at work. Instead of thinking about how your company does a specific task or procedure or its definition of specific terms, you should focus exclusively on how it is explained and/or defined in Cooper. That should be what you base your answers on.

Takeaway: when there’s a question that gives you a scenario on, for example, what chaining method should you use for a specific behavior. Don’t think, “well at my agency we do this method for that behavior”. Think instead how Cooper defines and explains the chaining methods. Chances are, at times, Cooper and your job are fully aligned in practice. But just in case, stick to what would Cooper do.

  • Cooper
  • Study Manual
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