What is the difference between the PTB Big Stack Flashcards, PTB Small Stack SAFMEDS, and the PTB FlashMEDS?

The PTB Big Stack Flashcards, PTB Small Stack SAFMEDS, and PTB FlashMEDS all include essential ABA terms curated from the complete Task List. However, the FlashMEDS blends two memorization strategies in one– rote memorization and active learning. This means you can use the cards as SAFMEDS and as flashcards, depending on how you prefer to study. The 4” x 6” FlashMEDS have the term on one side and a peer-reviewed definition on the reverse with space for students to add personalized elements for stimulus salience. Here is a side-by-side comparison.

The SAFMEDS and FlashMEDS contain the same 500 terms and peer-reviewed definitions. However, the SAFMEDS (2’ x 3.5” size cards) are designed for rote memorization while the FlashMEDS (4” x 6” cards) blend the rote memorization of SAFMEDS with the active learning of flashcards.

The PTB Big Stack Flashcards include 532 terms, each printed on durable 4” x 6” cards. As an active learning tool, the Flashcards are intentionally blank on the reverse side, allowing students to source terms, draft custom descriptors, and include personalized elements for stimulus salience.  The accompanying nine interlocking rings allow for custom collating to support multiple organization strategies. The Flashcards contain 32 additional cards to include concept lists which are not included in the SAFMEDS/FlashMEDS, since they include definitions.

Designed as “fill in the blank,” the PTB Small Stack SAFMEDS include 500 terms/concepts printed on durable 2” x 3.5” cards, with peer-reviewed definitions on the reverse. The SAFMEDS do not include interlocking rings but are lightweight and come with a branded box for easy transport.

The PTB FlashMEDS combines the rote memorization strategy of SAFMEDS with the active learning benefits of flashcards into one, unified tool. Each durable, 4” x 6” card includes 500 terms/concepts printed on one side that employs the SAFMEDS’ “fill in the blank” method, and the peer-reviewed definition on the reverse, leaving ample space for creative embellishments and study tips to maximize salience. The accompanying nine interlocking rings allow for custom collating to support multiple organization strategies and allow for easier transport.

If you are unsure which study aid will work best for you, please contact our customer service team at help@passthebigabaexam.com.