HomeBxLogDana Do’s: Understanding All the Types of Validity in ABA Dana Do’s: Understanding All the Types of Validity in ABA March 13, 2025 Have you noticed that there are a lot of validities in ABA? There’s internal, external, social, and just plain old validity, which is about valid measurement. So how do you keep them all straight? Let’s start with internal validity, which has to do with experimentation, and more specifically, experimental control, which is the goal of experimentation. This is when we can prove that an independent variable is responsible for the change in a behavior, the dependent variable. Internal validity comes into to play when we can reliably say that there were no other variables at play, and only the independent variable impacted the change in the target behavior, the dependent variable. External validity is also connected to experimentation. It is about the impact of an experiment beyond the original study– “external,” like outside of the original experiment. External validity describes the extent to which the results of the original study replicate in other studies. Think of this like generalization effects. The results generalized to other studies. Then we have social validity which is relevant for experimental and applied settings. This is the extent to which the goals, procedures, outcomes of intervention, are important, acceptable, meaningful to the client and the relevant individuals, because some times, effective is not enough. Value also comes from importance, acceptability, meaningfulness, and appropriate for the clients and the relevant people in their lives. Finally we have plain old validity, which is about valid measurement. This represents the behavior or dimension of behavior that is of interest, meaning the data collected represents what we are actually interested in. 6th Edition TCOC.8 Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures. D.2 Distinguish between internal and external validity. F.8 Interpret assessment data to identify and prioritize socially significant, client-informed, and culturally responsive behavior-change procedures and goals. BEPWValidity Related Content Validity Measurement is trustworthy when the measurement that produces data is applicable and specific to the target behavior of interest and the relevant dimension of that behavior; in other words, you…Reliability Measurement is trustworthy when the degree to which repeating a measurement procedure under the same conditions produces the same result.Observer drift When observers collecting data have a shift/drift in how they interpret the operational definition of the target behavior that affects the validity of their data.Observer reactivity When an observer’s data collection or performance is influenced by the awareness that they are being monitored and evaluated.Measurement artifact Data that represents an unwarranted and misleading picture of behavior because of how it was measured, typically a product of time-sampling, limiting measurement scales, or poorly scheduled measurement periods.Measurement bias When an observer’s measurement is influenced by an expectation or belief they hold rather than what actually occurred.Interobserver agreement (IOA) A measurement of the degree to which two or more observers report the same values when observing and collecting data for the same behaviors/events.Dana Do's: All the Validities in ABA, Explained PTB founder Dana Meller helps connect each of the validities to the validity of this explanation.Dana Do's: Why IOA Math Should Not Intimidate You PTB co-founder takes some of the fear out of the interobserver agreement math with simple tips that can help narrow your discrimination.Dana Do's: How to Define the Markers of Trustworthy Measurement PTB co-founder goes into the three factors that define trustworthy measurement-- "validity", "reliability" and "accuracy". But what's the difference between each? Dana explains.Dana Do's: How to Decipher the Many Forms of Validity It's particularly meaningful to be able to tell validity, social validity, internal and external validity apart. PTB co-founder Dana Meller has some tips to do just that.Systematic replication An experimental replication of a previous study in which the researcher intentionally changes one or more features of a prior experiment.Internal validity The extent to which an experiment strongly shows that changes in the dependent variable are a direct result of the independent variable and not the result of some other uncontrolled…Intrasubject direct replication An experimental replication of a previous study in which the researcher exactly duplicates a previous study using the same subjects as the original study.Intersubject direct replication An experimental replication of a previous study in which the researcher exactly duplicates a previous study but uses different subjects from the original study.External validity The extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other settings, behaviors, or subjects.Direct replication A researcher exactly duplicates the procedures from a previous study, using the same or different subjects with the same demographics.Relevance of behavior rule A rule that the behavior change prioritized for treatment must be meaningful for the client and relevant individuals in the client’s life.Prerequisite behavior The necessary components skills of any behavior needed to perform a specific behavior.Pivotal behavior Trained behaviors that, when acquired, can result in or lead to the acquisition of new, untrained behaviors.Normalization/Mainstreaming The belief that individuals with disabilities should be physically and socially integrated into mainstream society, environments, and procedures to the maximum extent possible. The expectations should be more aligned with…Habilitation Providing treatment to promote the development of an adaptive repertoire with behaviors that are maximized by short- and long-term reinforcers and minimized by short- and long-term punishers.Eliminative approach An approach to behavior analytic treatment that eliminates challenging behaviors without building replacement skills in their place.Constructional approach An approach to behavioral treatment that includes building replacement behaviors when the behavior intervention aims to eliminate challenging behavior.Component behaviors The building block skills needed for the development of a more complex skill.Behavior cusp Behaviors that, when acquired, result in the individual accessing new environments and, therefore, new stimulus controls and contingencies (i.e., reinforcement).Dana Do's: Nine Considerations for Prioritizing Target Behaviors PTB founder breaks down each of the nine considerations for prioritizing target behaviors.Dana Do's: Understanding All the Types of Validity in ABA ABA has multiple types of validity—internal, external, social, and measurement validity—but how do you keep them straight? PTB founder Dana Meller can help.Access Free BCBA®/BCaBA® Exam Prep Resources Not all BCBA® exam prep is equal—quality matters. Check out PTB's free, reliable study materials, mock questions, and guides to help you Pass the Big ABA Exam.Dana Do's: Two Procedures for Calculating Duration If you’re looking for data on how long a behavior occurs, duration is the name of the game. However, as PTB founder Dana Meller explains, there are two methods for ensuring and reporting duration that future BCBA®s need to know. Dana Do’s: A Simple Explanation on the Different Types of Simple Discriminations PTB founder Dana Meller makes it simple with an explainer on the types of simple discriminations and important differences to keep in mind.Dana Do's: Radical Behaviorism's Origin Story If you too are confused about radical behaviorism, then this is for you. PTB founder Dana Meller explains behaviorism, with a twist.Dana Do's: Key Words to Watch For on the Big Exam PTB founder Dana Meller shares some key words to watch for when breaking down test questions around compound schedules on the BCBA®/BCaBA® exam.Dana Do's: Confused About Extinction and Negative Punishment? PTB founder Dana Meller clears up the common confusion between extinction and negative punishment.Dana Do's: How to Discriminate Between Extraneous and Confounding Variables Extraneous and confounding variables are the same, but different. PTB founder Dana Meller breaks it down.Dana Do's: How to Use the Ethics Code to Help Answer Questions on the BCBA® Exam PTB founder Dana Meller illustrates how using the ethics Code can help BCBA/BCaBA exam candidates identify the correct answer on exam questions.Dana Do's: How to Determine Preference of Tested Stimuli How do you determine the relative preference of tested stimuli during trial-based preference assessments? PTB Founder Dana Meller breaks it down.Dana Do's: Clearing Up the Confusion Over Shaping and Chaining Shaping and chaining are strategies for teaching complex behaviors that are often confused. PTB founder Dana Meller makes the differences clear. Dana Do's: Fun Fact About Using DRA You know how the textbooks say that there are two parts to differential reinforcement, one being reinforcement for the desired behavior and the other extinction for the target behavior? Applying…Dana Do's: Socially Significant Information Social significance is such a buzzword ABA. PTB founder Dana Meller breaks down all the different areas in which social significance is important. Dana Do's: The Distinction Between Analysis Types and Experimental Designs What’s the difference between parametric, component, and comparative analyses? And what do experimental designs have to do with it? PTB founder Dana Meller clears up the confusion with a deep dive into analysis variations.Dana Do's: How to Prepare for the Transition to the BACB® 6th Edition Test Content Outline With the 6th Edition transition weeks away, many BCBA®/BCaBA® exam candidates are uncertain about how to best prepare. PTB founder Dana Meller is here with advice on how 5th Ed. students can plan to Beat the Odds and navigate the new 6th Ed. Test Content Outline (TCO).Big Exam Prep Workshop PTB’s Big Exam Prep Workshop is a live, interactive 6-week intensive (with up to 14 weeks of access to online materials, subject to registration). Integrating behavior analytic strategies, this hands-on masterclass breaks down the BACB® 6th Edition Test Content Outline, harnessing PTB’s signature formula for organizing and structuring BCBA® exam prep. Dana Do's: What's the Difference Between Continuous and Discontinuous Measurement? It’s all too easy to mix up continuous and discontinuous measurement procedures. Need some help discriminating between the two? Get clarity with help from PTB founder Dana Meller.You Got This: 5 Tips to Build Up Your Test-Taking Confidence Exam day can shake even the most self-assured candidate but it’s important to feel secure in yourself and your skills. Looking to up your confidence before sitting for the Big…Dana Do's: Considerations for Exam Questions Related to the Use of Punishment Punishment is known to have a quick impact on behavior, but there are ethical implications which makes it very controversial. PTB founder Dana Meller offers some considerations when encountering exam questions related to punishment.Dana Do's: Tips for Test Questions About Functional Analysis Tripped up trying to make correct discriminations when it comes to functional analysis? PTB founder Dana Meller has some tips to help you answer those tricky exam questions. Dana Do's: Six Direct Assessment Methods Looking to review direct assessment methods? PTB founder Dana Meller gets right to it with this quick explainer.Dana Do's: Exploring the Forms and Functions of Noncontingent Reinforcements (NCR) Let’s talk contingency independent antecedent intervention… Or, in simpler terms, NCR. Get the scoop on this non-invasive procedure with a quick explainer from PTB founder Dana Meller.Dana Do's: What to Do the Night Before the Big Exam Some advice about what to do the night before the BCBA®/BCaBA® exam from PTB founder Dana Meller.Dana Do's: Exploring the Four Types of Reinforcer Assessments PTB founder Dana Meller discusses reinforcer assessments, which should not be confused with stimulus preference assessments.Five Ways to Help Offset the Cost of Certification Becoming a certified BCBA® is a big investment—not just in time and effort, but financially, too. From exam fees to study materials, costs can add up fast. The good news? There are ways to make the journey more budget-friendly. PTB has rounded up five practical tips to help you save money on your path to certification.The 5 Elements of an Effective Study Plan If you’re on the path to the BCBA®/BCaBA® exam and looking to get a plan in place, look no further. PTB has five tips to help you devise an effective schedule to help you Beat the Odds.7 Tips for Maximizing Test Prep #1: Focus on Form Be sure to get the right resources and materials. Having up-to-date books and academic literature will ensure you’re studying the right stuff. Ready for mock exams…Dana Do's: Extinguished Behaviors Resurge When reinforcement for the alternative replacement behavior is discontinued, extinction for the alternative behavior can resurge. The BACB® 6th Edition: Assessing All the Upcoming Changes It’s been more than two years since the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, BACB®, announced their 6th Edition updates. Now, as January 2025 inches closer, students, universities, and Applied Behavior Analysis…Rest Assured: Four Tips for Better Sleep Before the Big Exam Studying for the BCBA® exam and feeling sleep-deprived? Quality rest is key to staying focused and retaining information, but it’s often the first thing to suffer when life gets busy. If you’re struggling to unwind, PTB has rounded up a few tips to help you sleep more soundly and stay refreshed on your exam journey.Dana Do's: 7 Steps of Evidence-Based Supervision PTB founder Dana Meller clarifies the specific steps for evidence-based supervision, not to be confused with behavior skills training. Dana Do's: What is the Difference Between Trial-Based and Free-Operant Teaching Arrangements? Not too sure about discriminating between the different teaching arrangements? Not to worry. PTB founder Dana Meller is here to explain trial-based vs free operant procedures.6 Science-Backed Tips for Improving Your Memory Being able to recall information, facts, concepts, and terms is essential for the exam. If you find your memory slips from time to time, or you struggle to remember when put on the spot, try these six tips for building your memory muscle.Dana Do's: Will Reinforcer Assessments be on the BCBA® Exam? The Task List and the TCO (Test Content Outline) both include preference assessments. But, they don't mention reinforcer assessments. Does that mean that reinforcer assessments will not be on the exam? ABA in Your Day-to-Day: Products That Use the Power of Behavior Principles The principles behind Behavior Analysis (ABA) are everywhere– if you know what to look for. It probably wouldn’t surprise a BCBA (or future BCBA) to know that ABA inspires everyday…Dana Do's: The ABCs of Breaking Down BCBA® Exam Test Questions If you need help breaking down test questions, there's a simple tool you can use to eliminate the risk of making assumptions on the BCBA® exam. Dana Do's: Has Your Coursework Left You Unprepared for the BCBA® Exam? If your coursework left you unprepared for the BCBA exam, PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers some ideas of how to avoid the hamster wheel of multiple exam retakes.Dana Do's: What's the Difference Between Response vs. Stimulus Prompts? If a response prompt and a stimulus prompt both prompt correct responses, what is the difference?Beat the Odds: 5 Tips You Need If You’re Retaking the Exam Retaking the BCBA® exam? Don't be discouraged. Passing the exam is challenging for many. If you're preparing for another attempt, PTB has five essential tips to help you beat the odds and succeed this time around.Dana Do's: What Should I Do If I Don't Pass the BCBA® Exam? If you're retaking the exam and you don't know how to proceed with studying again, PTB co-founder Dana Meller has some suggestions that you might want to consider. Dana Do's: Why BCBA® Exam Retakers Should Ignore the Score Report PTB's retaker philosophy has not changed since we first began BCBA® test prep, 12 years ago. In fact, the philosophy has only been reinforced over the years as retaker pass rates continue to drop. If you're retaking the exam, you need to hear this advise from PTB co-founder Dana Meller.3.14 Tips to Make Exam Prep as Easy as Pi Setting goals when developing a study strategy is important, but even more important is setting goals that are rational, realistic, and manageable. Here are three tips to help.Dana Do's: How to Discriminate What 'Is' or 'Is Not' Behavior in BCBA® Exam Questions There is a struggle with identifying what is or is not a behavior when it comes to BCBA® exam questions. PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers some simple yet critical ways to make those discriminations.Dana Do's: Do Alternative Behaviors Need to be Functionally Equivalent? Do alternative behaviors always have to be functionally equivalent to the target behavior that we're trying to reduce or eliminate? PTB co-founder Dana Meller breaks in down.Dana Do's: And Just Like That, Context and Application for Task List Items How does going to ABA conferences help you pass the BCBA® exam? PTB co-founder Dana Meller recalls her student journey and the "a-ha moment" when she realized, attending forced her to generalize what she was studying, in context. Suddenly, ABA terminology was no longer a foreign language she was trying to master.Dana Do's: How to Determine Value vs. Behavior Altering Effect A motivating operation is not a thing that you hold in your hand. It is the state or condition of being deprived of something or satiated with something. PTB co-founder Dana Meller dives into the in-the-moment effects to help explain the difference.PTB Partner Spotlight: In Conversation with APBA’s CEO, Dr. Tyra Sellers An industry veteran who watched the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) grow into what it is today, Tyra Sellers, J.D., Ph.D., BCBA-D joined the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA) in January 2023 as CEO. Her first ABA certification came before the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) even existed. Some years later, as fate would have it, Sellers found herself at the BACB, serving as the director of the ethics department. Now, she is bringing her knowledge and experience to the distinguished organization with a strategy that is focused on access, education and community.Dana Do's: Cracking the Ethics Code on Consent vs. Assent The ethics code asks behavior analysts to obtain informed consent before starting a treatment plan. But…what does that entail? PTB co-founder Dana Meller breaks down informed consent, assent, and the ethics elements you need to know. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Code Section E- 2.11 Obtaining Informed ConsentDana Do's: Discriminating Between Masking and Overshadowing PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers detailed examples to help students better discriminate between two often confusing concepts: masking vs. overshadowing.Dana Do's: Chain Chain Chain, Chain, Chain... Which chaining method goes with which behavior? Dana Meller offers some considerations that may help you answer that question on the exam. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section Section G-8: Use chaining. Dana Do's: Confused About Automatic and Socially Mediated Reinforcement? It’s not wrong to associate sterotypic behaviors with automatic reinforcement— but there are other factors to consider. PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers a quick explainer to clear up the confusion. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section B-7: Define and provide examples of automatic and socially mediated contingencies.Dana Do's: If All Prompts Prompt Behavior, What's the Difference? If all prompts prompt behavior, how can you tell the different between stimulus and response prompts? PTB co-founder Dana Meller simplifies it with one word. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section G-4: Use stimulus and response prompts and fading (e.g., errorless, most-to-least, least-to-most, prompt delay, stimulus fading).Dana Do's: Fun Fact. The Process of Self-Management Requires Two Behaviors Self-management: one process, two behaviors. PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains controlled vs controlling response, and shares real-life examples of how they are used together in self-management strategies. The Path(s) to Becoming a BCBA® Currently, there are four paths to meet the eligibility requirements, though it’s important to note that the BACB® will be revising the pathways in 2027.What is a BCBA® Certification and Why Get One? The Board Certified Behavior Analyst® exam (or, BCBA® exam) is a graduate-level certification in behavior analysis administered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB).Beat the Odds: Factors that Impact Performance on the BCBA® Exam Though the exam may be difficult, it’s not impossible to achieve a passing score. There are several ways students can improve their chances and beat the odds. The right preparation is essential.How Hard is it to Pass the BCBA® Exam? The question every future BCBA® inevitably asks: how hard is it to pass the BCBA® exam? If you’ve heard the stories or seen the data, then you know the exam has a reputation for being difficult. Ask around and you’ll likely hear that it’s sort of like running a marathon. But barefoot, on broken glass, in a giant corn maze, guarded by storm troopers and you can’t remember where you left your lightsaber…oh, and your headphones just died. Dana Do's: What Do Philosophical Assumptions Got To Do With It? It often feels like the board is asking candidates to study concepts you may never use in practice. PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains why that's actually inaccurate. The philosophical assumptions underlying the science of behavior analysis is so much more integral than just passing the big exam.10 Positive Effects From Prioritizing Self-Care Self-care. It’s a bit of a broad term, and a total buzzword these days. It’s often used in the context of bubble baths and “unplugging.” But, at its core, self-care is about more than just “me-time.” It’s about taking care of yourself in a way that works best for you and your lifestyle. 5 Ways to Make the Big Exam Feel Less Scary #1: Arm Yourself (With Knowledge) As they say, knowledge is power, and the best defense on exam day is knowing your stuff. It’s ok to reschedule if you’re not ready.…Dana Do's: Feeling Isolated on ABA Island The life of a behavior professional can be rewarding, but it can also be a little lonely. PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares her experience with overcoming isolation with some recommendations for students and current BCBAs.Desk Yoga: 7 Stretches for Your Next Study Session Long days and even longer study sessions, can leave your back and neck feeling stiff. Luckily, PTB has just the thing: 7 desk-friendly, do-anywhere yoga moves. While it can’t replace your regular yoga routine, these stretches can help you reset your mind and body when you’re glued to your desk (or couch, or kitchen chair). 5 Science-Backed Tips to Make Your Study Space More Soothing Transform your study space into a soothing environment with these five science-backed tips. Keep Calm and Study On: 6 Strategies for Managing Test Prep Stress It goes without saying that studying for the BCBA® exam is stressful. The experience can fray the nerves of even the most level-headed student. If you’re feeling the test prep…From PTB’s Test (Prep) Kitchens: A Brain-Boosting Berry Smoothie It’s important to fuel your brain and body with nutritious food that will give you the energy to power through long days and even longer study sessions. But, between school,…Dana Do's: What Chaining Method to Use When? The books don't really say much about what chaining methods BCBA's should apply to what behaviors. PTB co-founder Dana Meller breaks it down. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section G-8: Use chaining.Behind the Scenes of the Big Exam Prep Workshop Known for her trademark humor and clinical knowledge, PTB co-founder Dana Meller takes students behind the scenes of creating the PTB Streaming Lecture Series, a collection of 9 pre-recorded lectures covering each of the BCBA® 5th edition task list sections.Dana Do's: What are the Markers of a Good Supervisor? PTB co-founder Dana Meller identifies the markers of being a good supervisor. BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section I-8: Evaluate the effects of supervision (e.g., on client outcomes, on supervisee repertoires). Dana Do's: Yes, verbs are clues that can help you prep for the BCBA exam PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares how the verbs used in the Task List can provide you with significant clues for effective studying. By examining task list verbs, you can actually determine the specific type of discrimination required in your studies. Learn how understanding these verbs can guide your preparation and better equip you for success on the big exam.5 Test-Taking Tips to Help You Pass the BCBA® Exam Prepare for success on exam day with these five tips.6 Science-Backed Study Tips for Your Next Study Session From switching up your study environment to quizzing yourself, these strategies will help improve focus, memory, and retention on the exam.Add to Cart: PTB’s Study Essentials When it comes to test-prep, you need the right tools for the job. PTB has compiled a must-have list of study supplies so you can stock up on your next…Dana Do's: How to Decode the Code PTB co-founder Dana Meller suggests that memorizing the sections of the BACB® Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts will in fact help you make correct discriminations when prepping for the BCBA® exam. Dana Do's: Why BCBA® and BCaBA® Retaker Odds are Lower There's a danger of studying only the score report. PTB founder Dana Meller offers insight on why it's important to study like a test virgin.Dana Do's: That Feeling of Freaking Out Over the BCBA® Exam Everyone feels like they won't pass the BCBA® exam, not just you. PTB co-founder Dana Meller talks about the experiences her students share as they prep for the exam. And surprise surprise, you are not alone in feeling scared, dealing with the pressures of everyday life, and trying to negotiate so many variables. If that's you and you're struggling, the good news is that it's temporary. And the payoff, that is fantastic.Dana Do's: Imagine the Task List is a Jigsaw Puzzle PTB cofounder, Dana Meller treats the task list like a puzzle, and so should you. Like a puzzle, all the task list items are interconnected. To be exam ready, you need all the pieces, and every piece needs to be in place. Dana Do's: Looking at the World Behavior Analytically Why should you look at the world behavior analytically? Because it will help you build ABA fluency.Dana Do's: Get Your M.A.C. Skills Together PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers a key to building fluency and BCBA® exam readiness. Memorization. Application. Comprehension. Dana Do's: Dealing with the Frustration of Failing the BCBA® Exam PTB cofounder Dana Meller offers some unsolicited advice for candidates who have experienced the frustration of failing the BCBA® exam by only a few points. Dana Do's: Why You're Not Passing the BCBA® Exam PTB cofounder Dana Meller helps candidates retaking the exam consider a functional approach to defining the obstacles holding them back. Dana Do's: Short Cuts Don't Work PTB co-founder Dana Meller talks about avoiding shortcuts in your exam prep. Becoming a BCBA® is not just about passing the Big Exam, it is about taking on a professional identity. Dana Do's: The Importance of Speaking ABA PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares the importance of speaking ABA and being able to fluently read and understand the Cooper text in order to pass the big exam.Dana Do's: Understanding the ABC's of Behavior Used to Break Down Test Questions PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares how our ABA superpowers can be used to break down exam questions to organize BCBA® exam prep.Dana Do's: Put On Your BACB® Board Hat Want to know what to study for the BCBA® exam? PTB co-founder Dana Meller reminds candidates that the exam is a knowledge assessment, not a skill assessment.Dana Do's: BCBA® Exam Prep Studying Tips PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares helpful tips about incorporating studying into your already busy lives. Dana Do's: Use Mistakes to Assess How You Test PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares insights on how to use your mock BCBA® exam mistakes to assess and improve your test-taking behavior.