Dana Do’s: Exploring the Four Types of Reinforcer Assessments

Let’s address reinforcer assessments, not be confused with stimulus preference assessments. Preference assessments are just that– they are intended to assess the things that people prefer, unlike reinforcer assessments which determine if those preferred stimuli are actually effective as reinforcers. For example, do they increase responding? We need strong reinforcers for successful treatment.

Here are four types of reinforcer assessments:

  1. The first is the concurrent schedule reinforcer assessment which assesses reinforcers when there are different contingencies for different behaviors that are occurring at the same time. However, they’re independent of each other. Basically, the potential reinforcers are competing against each other. Imagine a client has choices of behaviors to engage in and each one has a different schedule of reinforcement. The behavior with the higher rates of responding is the one with the more reinforcing schedule.
  2. My personal favorite, probably because it’s easy, is in-the-moment reinforcer analysis. This assessment is literally conducted in the moment that the presumed reinforcer is presented. If the client has an emotional reaction that can be interpreted as motivated or excited, then that is what we use for that moment’s program. It’s not just arbitrary however. It’s the stuff we’ve assessed in preference assessments.
  3. Then there is the multiple schedule reinforcer assessment. This one looks for the most effective reinforcement contingency when there are two or more schedules of reinforcement available for the same behavior. Only one schedule is in effect at a time. There’s an SD that lets the client know what that schedule is. Then responding is compared for each of the different presented contingencies. The higher response rates means that that contingency is the more reinforcing schedule.
  4. Finally, the progressive ratio reinforcer assessment. This looks to see how much responding we can get from one potential reinforcer schedule. The response requirements are going to be systematically increased, but the reinforcement stays the same. The client’s behavior establishes how far that reinforcer can go based on when the client stops responding. That’s called the breaking point which is the client letting us know this is as much as they’re willing to do for this particular enforcer.
6th Edition TCO
  • F.4 Design and evaluate preference assessments.  
  • BEPW
  • Mini Mock F
  • MiniBig C D F
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  • Look at the World Behavior AnalyticallyDana Do's: Looking at the World Behavior Analytically
    Why should you look at the world behavior analytically? Because it will help you build ABA fluency.
  • Memorization, application and comprehension are key to building fluency.Dana Do's: Get Your M.A.C. Skills Together
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers a key to building fluency and BCBA® exam readiness. Memorization. Application. Comprehension.
  • Dealing with the Frustration of Missing the BCBA® Passing Score by a Few PointsDana Do's: Dealing with the Frustration of Failing the BCBA® Exam
    PTB founder Dana Meller offers some unsolicited advice for candidates who have experienced the frustration of failing the BCBA® exam by only a few points.
  • Why You're Not Passing the BCBA® ExamDana Do's: Why You're Not Passing the BCBA® Exam
    PTB cofounder Dana Meller helps candidates retaking the exam consider a functional approach to defining the obstacles holding them back.
  • Shortcuts to BCBA® exam prep don't workDana Do's: BCBA® Exam Prep Short Cuts Don't Work
    PTB founder Dana Meller talks about avoiding shortcuts in your exam prep. Becoming a BCBA® is not just about passing the Big exam, it is about taking on a professional identity.
  • Why its Important to Speak ABADana Do's: The Importance of Speaking ABA
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares the importance of speaking ABA and being able to fluently read and understand the Cooper text in order to pass the big exam.
  • The ABC's of ABADana Do's: Understanding the ABC's of Behavior Used to Break Down Test Questions
    PTB founder Dana Meller shares how our ABA superpowers can be used to break down exam questions to organize BCBA® exam prep.
  • Put On Your BACB® Board HatDana Do's: Put On Your BACB® Board Hat
    Want to know what to study for the BCBA® exam? PTB co-founder Dana Meller reminds candidates that the exam is a knowledge assessment, not a skill assessment.
  • Advice for juggling life with exam prep.Dana Do's: BCBA® Exam Prep Studying Tips
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares helpful tips about incorporating studying into your already busy lives.
  • Use your BCBA® mock exam mistakes to assess how you test.Dana Do's: Use Mistakes to Assess How You Test
    PTB founder Dana Meller shares insights on how to use your mock BCBA® exam mistakes to assess and improve your test-taking behavior.
  • How do we ensure the data we collect is truly reliable? In this video, PTB founder Dana Meller (MA, BCBA) breaks down the importance of accuracy assessments and shares four key reasons why they’re crucial.Dana Do's: Four Reasons for Conducting Accuracy Assessments
    How do we ensure the data we collect is truly reliable? PTB founder Dana Meller (MA, BCBA) breaks down the importance of accuracy assessments and shares four key reasons why they’re crucial.
  • Interpreting graphed data is an important skill to have, for the BCBA® exam and beyond. A fundamental part of this is the level line. PTB founder Dana Meller breaks down both methods for establishing a level line and when to use them.Dana Do's: Mean or Median? Choosing the Right Level Line to Interpret Graph Data
    Interpreting graphed data is an important skill to have, for the BCBA® exam and beyond. A fundamental part of this is the level line. PTB founder Dana Meller breaks down both methods for establishing a level line and when to use them.
  • ABA terms you need to know: Interobserver agreement.Interobserver agreement (IOA)
    A measurement of the degree to which two or more observers report the same values when observing and collecting data for the same behaviors/events.
  • Can can a changing criterion design be used to evaluate shaping programs? Well, PTB founder Dana Meller says, it depends.Dana Do's: Can Changing Criterion Design be Used to Evaluate Shaping Programs?
    Can can a changing criterion design be used to evaluate shaping programs? Well, PTB founder Dana Meller says, it depends.
  • Experimental design tends to trip lots of people up. Here's an exam trick from Dana Meller that will help you breaking down questions on the exam.Dana Do's: A Trick to Help Dissect BCBA® Exam Questions on Experimental Designs
    Experimental design tends to trip lots of people up. Here's an exam trick from Dana Meller that will help you breaking down questions on the exam.
  • PTB co-founder takes some of the fear out of the interobserver agreement math with simple tips that can help narrow your discrimination. Refer to 5th Edition Task List Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.Dana Do's: Why IOA Math Should Not Intimidate You
    PTB co-founder takes some of the fear out of the interobserver agreement math with simple tips that can help narrow your discrimination.
  • How do you know if your BCBA® study activities are effective?Dana Do's: How to Know if Your Study Activities are Effective
    How do you know if your BCBA® study activities are effective? PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares some key analysis that may help BCBA® exam candidates assess efficacy.
  • Caution Using BCBA Exam as a MockDana Do's: Careful About Getting Creative With Mock Exams
    PTB co-founder cautions candidates about using the actual BCBA® exam as a mock exam, listing all the reasons why you might want to reconsider getting creative with your mock exam prep experience.
  • Dana Do's. Warning. Watch out for extremes.Dana Do's: Warning. Be Careful of Extremes.
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller sends an important warning for test takers. Watch out for extremes in exam questions and answer options.
  • Dana Do's: Are mock exams an accurate predictor of test performance?Dana Do's: How to Use Mock Exams in Your Study Plan
    I was recently asked if mock exams are useful in predicting how someone will do on the actual big exam. And, is repeating the same mock exam an effective study…
  • The markers of trustworthy measurement.Dana Do's: How to Define the Markers of Trustworthy Measurement
    PTB co-founder goes into the three factors that define trustworthy measurement-- "validity", "reliability" and "accuracy". But what's the difference between each? Dana explains.
  • It's particularly meaningful to be able to tell validity, social validity, internal and external validity apart.Dana Do's: How to Decipher the Many Forms of Validity
    It's particularly meaningful to be able to tell validity, social validity, internal and external validity apart. PTB co-founder Dana Meller has some tips to do just that.
  • Dana Do's: How to discriminate between dependent and independent variables.Dana Do's: How to Discriminate Dependent vs. Independent Variables If You're Not a Researcher
    Not a researcher? How about some help discriminating between dependent and independent variables. PTB co-founder Dana Meller offers a few tips to make that distinction on the BCBA® exam.
  • BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to LosingBreaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Winning Measurement System to Record Client Tolerance to Losing
    Let's review and break down a BCBA® mock exam question about measurement techniques in ABA, specifically percentage of opportunity. PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains how to calculate the percentage of opportunities where the behavior is exhibited and why this method is superior to rate, count, and interval recording in certain situations. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-3: Measure occurrence (e.g., count, frequency, rate, percentage).
  • ABA Terminology Break Down: Indicators of Trustworthy MeasurementABA Terminology Break Down ➠ Indicators of Trustworthy Measurement
    What are the three indicators of trustworthy measurement in ABA? PTB co-founder Dana Meller explains and why they ensure data accuracy and reliability. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
  • MiniBig

    PTB MiniBig: Fast, Flexible, and Focused Exam Prep

    The PTB MiniBig enables BCBA® exam prep candidates to tailor their study needs by popping in on single sessions of the intensive PTB Big Exam Prep Workshop. Each 3.5-hour session, focused on specific sections of the Task List, includes a mock exam followed by real-time, live, interactive feedback and access to live session replays, without committing to the full workshop.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Functional Assessment ProceduresTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Functional Assessment Procedures
    Focusing on ABC data collection, PTB co-founder Dana Meller discusses functional assessment procedures. Dana explains how to generate mathematical probabilities for target behaviors based on specific antecedents and consequences, providing a step-by-step guide to quantitatively analyzing the gathered information. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections F-7: Conduct a descriptive assessment of problem behavior and F-9: Interpret functional assessment data.
  • Test Your Descriptive Assessment Skills: ABC Recording MethodsTest Your Descriptive Assessment Skills ➠ ABC Recording Methods
    Get a comprehensive overview of ABC Recording Methods. PTB co-founder Dana Meller breaks down the two types, along with their differences, benefits, and practical applications. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections F-7: Conduct a descriptive assessment of problem behavior; and F-9: Interpret functional assessment data.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Cumulative Record CalculationsTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Cumulative Record Calculations
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller reviews a question about using cumulative records and their significance in behavior analysis. Learn how to utilize cumulative graphs to track behavior over specific time periods and measure and calculate response rates for insightful data analysis. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-11: Interpret graphed data.
  • 1-Minute Experimental Design Test HackDana Do's: 1-Minute Experimental Design Test Hack (you still have to study it though)
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares a huge secret to help break down experimental design questions. BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-3: Identify the defining features of single-subject experimental designs.
  • Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Reversal Design Variations With Only ONE ReversalBreaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Reversal Design Variations With Only One Reversal
    Test your Experimental Design skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews and breaks down a mock exam question about reversal design variations that display only one reversal. Included is a description of A-B-A, B-A-B, and A-B-A-B reversal designs. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-5: Use single-subject experimental designs (e.g., reversal, multiple baseline, multielement, changing criterion).
  • PTB co-founder Dana Meller provides shortcuts to help eliminate incorrect answer choices and gain a better understanding of the basics of various experimental designs.Shortcuts to Understanding the Basics Behind Each Experimental Design
    Experimental design causes a lot of anxiety. PTB co-founder Dana Meller shares a few shortcuts to help on exam day, eliminating some answer options but also, more importantly, give you a head start on understanding the basics behind each design.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Identify the Measurement System in This ScenarioTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Identify the Measurement System in This Scenario
    Test your measurement, data display, and interpretation knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she discusses one specific measurement system that measures the effect of the behavior after its occurrence. Here, Dana details the two ways someone could implement this type of measurement system, provides examples of scenarios and a variety of corresponding measurement methods, and highlights some of the pros of utilizing this type of measurement system. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-2: Distinguish among direct, indirect, and product measures of behavior.
  • Importance of Experimental DesignDana Do's: Importance of Experimental Design Fluency
    PTB co-founder Dana Meller talks about the importance of being fluent in experimental designs, not just to pass the exam, but to be a good clinician as well. Ref Section D-3: Identify the defining features of single-subject experimental designs (e.g., individuals serve as their own controls, repeated measures, prediction, verification, replication).
  • Mock BCBA® Exam Question Breakdown: Interobserver Agreement (IOA) Facts & Rules to Live ByBreak Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Interobserver Agreement (IOA) Facts & Rules to Live By
    Test your Measurement, Data Display, and Interpretation skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about several #interobserveragreement (IOA) facts, with rules to live by. Here, Dana highlights a variety of important IOA benefits, as well as IOA percentage of agreement criteria details and the different reporting options. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
  • Breaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Identify a 3-Phase Reversal Experimental DesignBreaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Identify a 3-Phase Reversal Experimental Design
    Test your Experimental Design skills with a breakdown of a BCBA® mock exam question about the identification of a three-phase experimental design. Included is a detailed comparison between four different reversal designs: ABC reversal, ABA reversal, BAB reversal, and ABAB reversal. As a bonus, Dana also provides examples of instances in which each of the reversal designs would be implemented. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-5: Use single-subject experimental designs (e.g., reversal, multiple baseline, multielement, changing criterion).
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Pivotal Behavior vs. Behavior CuspTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Pivotal Behavior vs. Behavior Cusp
    Test your behavior assessment knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she compares and contrasts pivotal behavior vs. behavior cusp, providing several corresponding examples of each, as they relate to identifying the target behaviors that need prioritization for treatment. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section F-3: Identify and prioritize socially significant behavior-change goals.
  • IOA Mini Quiz
    Math can be daunting, but practice can help. You don’t have to be a math whiz to master the Interobserver Agreement formulas. Get more practice and gain confidence with the PTB IOA Mini Quiz. Updated for the 6th Edition Test Content Outline, the PTB IOA Mini Quiz features a new interactive format that simulates the test experience. Thirty fill-in-the-blank questions cover all 9 IOA formulas. Optional hints included with each quiz question assist you with the correct formula along the way. Check your work and collect data on your performance with the detailed score report. 
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Interpret Descriptive Assessment DataTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Interpret Descriptive Assessment Data
    Test your knowledge of interpreting descriptive assessment ABC data with PTB co-founder Dana Meller. Here she discusses conditional probability, including the rules that apply, and provides a step-by-step example using the calculation formula and how to report these data. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections F-7: Conduct a descriptive assessment of problem behavior; F-9: Interpret functional assessment data.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Identify The Experimental Design Explained in This ScenarioTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Identify This Experimental Design Scenario
    Test your ABA terminology with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she offers guidance to identify the specific experimental design relating to a scenario. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-5: Use single-subject experimental designs (e.g., reversal, multiple baseline, multielement, changing criterion).
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Derivative Measures ExplainedTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Derivative Measures Explained
    Put your knowledge of occurence measurement to the test with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she discusses the two types of derivative measures, and each of their defining features and applications. Dana focuses on the derivative measure used for comparing two or more procedures, teaching clients new skills, evaluating mastery over a class of concepts, and the various measurement methods. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-6: Measure trials to criterion.
  • Experimental Validity: The Relationship between Behavior Change & Independent VariablesExperimental Validity: The Relationship between Behavior Change & Independent Variables
    PTB co-founder explains the different types of validity in ABA. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section D-2: Distinguish between internal and external validity.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Indicators of Trustworthy MeasurementTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Indicators of Trustworthy Measurement
    Test your knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she explains the specific indicator of trustworthy measurement that corresponds with repeated measurement yielding the same result. Included is a description of all three indicators of trustworthy measurement validity, accuracy, and reliability. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
  • Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: Understanding Equal-Interval Graphs & Logarithmic ScalesBreaking Down a Mock BCBA® Exam Question: Understanding Equal-Interval Graphs & Logarithmic Scales
    Test your knowledge of ABA graphs with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about equal-interval graphs, exploring their unique properties. Included, Dana explains the concept of proportional values and highlights the graph(s) which operate on a logarithmic scale, offering a different perspective on changes in behavior. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Sections C-10: Graph data to communicate relevant quantitative relations (e.g., equal-interval graphs, bar graphs, cumulative records); C-11: Interpret graphed data.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Confounding Threats to Internal ValidityTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Confounding Threats to Internal Validity
    Test your knowledge of measurement confounds with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she discusses one of the four types of threats to internal validity, with corresponding examples. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
  • BCBA® Mock Exam Question: IOA Battle Royal: Which Formula Gets Knocked Out?Breaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: It's the IOA Battle Royal. Which Formula Gets Knocked Out?
    Sharpen your measurement skills with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about IOA and helps explain the different formulas used for time sampling measurements. Dana covers four IOA formulas: Interval-by-Interval, Scored Interval, Trial-by-Tial, and Unscored Interval; and highlights key considerations and pitfalls associated with each. BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
  • Test your ABA Terminology: Fundamental Properties of Behavior ChangeTest your ABA Terminology ➠ Fundamental Properties of Behavior Change
    Test your ability to interpret graphed data with PTB co-founder Dana Meller. Here she explains the three fundamental properties of behavior change, focusing on one specific property akin to an average or median. Included are descriptions of level, trend, variability, and the y-axis. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-11: Interpret graphed data.
  • BCBA® Mock Exam Question: The #1 Threat to Accuracy and ReliabilityBreaking Down a BCBA® Mock Exam Question: The #1 Threat to Accuracy and Reliability
    Test your measurement knowledge with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she reviews a BCBA® mock exam question about the key indicators of trustworthy measurement, revealing the most significant threat facing accuracy and reliability. Dana provides insight into the distinctions between reliability, validity, and accuracy and how they relate to measurement. BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
  • Threats to Validity Exposed: When Misleading Data Plays Tricks on Your PerceptionThreats to Validity Exposed: When Misleading Data Plays Tricks on Your Perception
    Test your knowledge of measurement procedures with PTB co-founder Dana Meller as she explains, in detail, one of the threats to validity with several corresponding examples. Dana also shares a clever memorization study tip that will help you on the Big exam. Refer to BCBA® Task List (5th ed.) Section C-8: Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.
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